Supporting the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA) is one of our top priorities for 2024. First signed into law in 1965, the Older Americans Act (OAA) provides critical services that address the social drivers of health for older adults such as nutrition, transportation, senior centers, elder rights protections, caregiver support, and health promotion. A popular, bipartisan, and effective law, the OAA is set to expire on September 30, 2024, if it is not reauthorized. The 2024 reauthorization of the OAA will be the first since the COVID-19 pandemic—and thus a historic opportunity to incorporate lessons from the pandemic and to match funding levels to the growth of the older population and to the needs that COVID-19 revealed and magnified.
GIA and Grantmakers In Health Response to Draft of the Older Americans Act Legislation
Read our response to the Senate Committee request for feedback on the Older Americans Act Legislation. GIA and Grantmakers In Health share how to improve on this critical legislation.
Priorities for the OAA
Recently, GIA and Grantmakers in Health shared our priorities for the Older Americans Act reauthorization with the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP). Learn more.
News: Lindsay Goldman and Cara V. James Commentary Published in The Well News
CEO Lindsay Goldman and Grantmakers In Health CEO Cara V. James cowrote a commentary on the need to modernize the Older Americans Act. Read more.
5 Ways Congress Can Strengthen the Older Americans Act, and What Philanthropy Can Do
Why is the reauthorization of the OAA important for philanthropy and how can your foundation contribute to a strong OAA? Learn more.
Positive, Inclusive Aging Policymaking and the Role of Policymakers
Recorded Webinar, February, 21, 2024
Champion Fund
In partnership with Grantmakers In Health, GIA launched the Champion Fund seeking to galvanize support from the philanthropic community for the 2024 reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA). Learn more.